Valentine’s Day is coming up, and if you’re still feeling salty about an ex, Louisville Nature Center has the perfect way to let off some steam. For just $10, you can name a cockroach after that person, or anyone for that matter, and watch it be gobbled up by Francis, the turtle.
A Grudge, Served with a Side of Charity
It’s a win-win! You get to take out some frustration, and Francis gets a new, bigger tank. The money you spend goes toward funding a new habitat for Francis, a yellow-bellied slider turtle who was rescued from a hoarding situation. When he first arrived, he was sick and stuck in a tiny tank with zero room to move.

Not Just for Exes!
While naming a cockroach after your ex is tempting, you’re not limited to past relationships. Got an annoying boss or coworker that drives you crazy? Feel free to direct your roach-naming energy toward anyone who makes your blood boil.
Get Proof of the Revenge
Once you’ve named your roach, the fun doesn’t stop there. LNC will send you a video of Francis chowing down on your roach, along with a certificate to mark the occasion. It’s like therapy except with more bugs and turtles.