Singleton parkrun 10 year anniversary
Singleton parkrun will be celebrating its 10th anniversary next Saturday, 24th August, which is a huge milestone. Planned to be bigger than usual, with a free sausage sizzle and cake. A local coffee van will be there as well, where people can purchase their own coffee.
The sausage sizzle is being donated by Glencore’s United Wambo Joint Venture and an anonymous parkrunner is providing the cake. We are encouraging people to dress up in a tutu (men, women, boys and girls!) or brightly coloured clothing. We ask that people arrive around 7:40am as there will be acknowledgements, etc, ready to start by 8:00 am (hopefully).
If people are not registered for parkrun, they can do so at parkrun.com.au/singleton. We are hoping for as many people as possible to attend (there were 222 at our very first event) so, hopefully, we can break that record.
If you are not busy next Saturday morning, please join us!