Muswellbrook Community Day
Delivered by The Hunter Local Jobs Program, in collaboration with Muswellbrook Shire Council, the Muswellbrook Community Day brings together a range of necessary and critical community support services for members of the Muswellbrook community. Providing connection to critical supports that may be required for you to move forward in your life.
This initiative provides a space for people who may be long term unemployed, experiencing hardship, or have had recent change in their life and are unsure of where to find support, to connect with local services who can help.
Have a confidential chat and gain information on a range of local support services. Including mental health support, housing and emergency accommodation, fine repayment and financial support, educational support, clothing support, food assistance and more.
All day free sausage sizzle.
Visit any time between 10AM and 2PM
At Muswellbrook Indoor Sports Centre, Rutherford Road Muswellbrook
Thursday, 28th November 2024
Doors open at 10:00AM Doors close at 2:00PM