Lake St Clair Charity Bike Ride
The Annual Lake St Clair Charity Bike Ride will take place on 26th August 2023 with the combined efforts of the Rotary Club of Singleton, Soft Cogs Inc and Glencore. This is the 7th year of the ride with the objective being to spread the word of riding and healthy lifestyles to our networks and to promote a safe, fun, responsible and sustainable riding atmosphere while raising funds for worthwhile causes. This year the bike ride will raise money for local charity Witmore; a not for-profit disability service provider.
There are 3 ride options which cater for everyone; from a leisurely 16km ride in the countryside through to a tough 75km climbing challenge for those who strive to push themselves. Food, beverages and raffle prizes along with the Lake St Clair recreational facilities make it a great day out for the family. The Rotary Club of Singleton hope to see you there! Enquiries email: president@rotaryclubsingleton.org.au or call 0456 194 560.